From the recently known N = 2 supersymmetric linear W K,K ∞ [λ] algebra where K is the dimension of fundamental (or antifundamental) representation of bifundamental β γ and b c ghost system, we determine its N = 4 supersymmetric enhancement at K = 2. We construct the N = 4 stress energy tensor, the first N = 4 multiplet and their operator product expansions (OPEs) in terms of above bifundamentals. We show that the OPEs between the first N = 4 multiplet and itself are the same as the corresponding ones in the N = 4 coset SU (N +2) SU (N ) model under the large (N, k) 't Hooft-like limit with fixed λ co ≡ (N +1) (k+N +2) , up to two central terms. The two parameters are related to each other λ = 1 2 λ co . We also provide other OPEs by considering the second, the third and the fourth N = 4 multiplets in the N = 4 supersymmetric linear W ∞ [λ] algebra. 3.5.2 The OPE between the weight-3 2 operators and the weight-1 operator . . 3.5.3 The OPE between the weight-2 operators and the weight-1 operator . . 3.5.4 The OPE between the weight-5 2 operators and the weight-1 operator . .