In CHCI?, CH,CN, or AcOH, benzeneselenenyl chloride (PhSeCl), bromide (PhSeBr), and acetate (PhSeOAc), 2-nitrobenzcnesulfenyl chloride (NO,C,H,SCI), and 2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfenyl chloride ((NO,),C,H,SCl) added to bicyclo[2.2.l]hept-5-en-2-one (5) in an anti fashion with complete stereo-and regioselectivity, giving adducts 2&24 in which the chloride, bromide, or acetoxy substituent (X) occupies the endo position at C(6) and the Se-or S-substituent (E) the exo position at C(5). The addition 5 + (N02),C6H3SCI + 24 was accompanied by the formation of (lRS,2RS)-2-(2.4-dinitrophenylthio)cyclopent-3-ene-l -acetic acid (25). The latter was the major product in AcOH containing LiClO,. The additions of PhSeCl and PhSeBr to bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-en-2-one (6) were less stereoselective (proportion ofexo VS. endo mode of electrophilic attack was ca. 3 : 1) but highly regioselective giving adducts 27/28 and 29/30, respectively, the regioselectivity being the same as that of the electrophilic additions of 5. The reaction of PhSeCl with a 4:l mixture of 2-exo-chloro-and 2-endochlorobicyclo[2.2. I]hept-5-ene-2-carbonitriles (12) was slower than addition 5 + PhSeC1; it gave adducts 31/32 (4:l) in which the PhSe moiety occupies the exo position at C(6) and the C1 atom the endo position at C(5). The addition of PhSeCl to 2-chlorobicyclo[2.2.l]oct-5-ene-2-carbonitriles (13) was very slow and gave adducts with the same regioselectivity as 12 + PhSeCI, but opposite with that of reactions of the corresponding enones 5 and 6 .PhSeX (X = CI, Br, OAc) added to 2-cyanobicyclo[2.2.l]hept-S-en-2-yl acetates (14) with the same regioselectivity as 12 + PhSeC1. The additions of PhSeC1, PhSeBr, N02C,H4SCI, and (NO2),C6H,SCl to 2-(bicyclo[2.2.l]hept-5-en-2-y1idene)propanedinitrile (49) were not regioselective, showing that a dicyanomethylidene function is not like a carbonyl function when homoconjugated with a x system. The results are in agreement with predictions based on MO calculations suggesting that a CdrbOnyl group homoconjugated with an electron-deficient centre can behave as an electron-donating, remote substituent because of favourabk n(CO) -vC( 1),C(2) ++ p(C(6)) hyperconjugative interaction.Introduction. -In 1978, we reported that 5,6-dimethylidenebicyclo[2.2. Ilheptan-2-one (1) adds to methyl propynoate with a relatively good 'para'regioselectivity, giving the major adduct 2. The results were in agreement with predictions based on the FMO theory [2] which considers the HOMO(diene)-LUMO(dienophi1e) orbital interaction to control the regioselectivity of the cycloaddition [I] [3]. The HOMO of 1 showed a significant difference in the size of the p atomic coefficients between those at C(S)=CH, and those at C(6)=CH, [3]. Furthermore, the shape of this HOMO suggested also an important hyperconjugative interaction of the type n(C0) c-f a(C(l),C(2)) tf n(C(5),C(6)) in 1 that makes the carbonyl group act as an electron-donating homoconjugated substituent. Semi-empirical calculations, first [4], and then ah initio STO 3G MO calculations [51, confi...