. Can. J. Chem. 65, 1719 (1987). The ketenes n-BuCH=C=O, PhCH=C=O, and Ph2C=C=0 have been generated by flash photolysis and their reactivities toward water, including acid and base catalysis, have been measured in wholly aqueous media by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. The phenyl group electronically enhances the reactivity of ketenes relative to n-butyl toward water and hydroxide, but retards reaction with protic acids. The presence of bulky groups, including phenyls, on each side in the ketene plane sterically retards nucleophilic attack. The reactions are interpreted as involving in-plane attack by nucleophilic water or hydroxide in the neutral and base-induced reactions, and electrophilic protonation perpendicular to the ketene plane for the acid-catalyzed reaction. ANNETTE D. ALLEN, A. JERRY KRESGE, NORMAN P. SCHEPP et THOMAS T. TIDWELL. Can. J. Chem. 65, 17 19 (1987). Faisant appel 2 la photolyse Cclair, on a prCparC les ctttnes n-BuCH=C=O, PhCH=C=O et Ph2C=C=O; utilisant la spectrophotomCtrie ultraviolette et opCrant dans des milieux aqueux, on a mesure leurs rCactivitCs vis-2-vis de l'eau, tant sous I'influence de catalyseurs acides que basiques. Par comparaison avec le groupement n-butyle, le groupement phCnyle augmente la rtactivitC des cCt&nes vis-a-vis de l'eau et de I'ion hydroxyde; toutefois, il retarde la reaction avec les acides protiques. La prtsence de groupements encombrants, y compris les groupements phCnyles, de chaque cBtC du plan du ctttne retarde l'attaque nuclCophile. Pour expliquer les rkactions qui se produisent en milieux neutre ou basique, on fait appel i un mecanisme impliquant une attaque, par l'eau du l'hydroxyde nuclCophiles, qui se produirait dans le plan; par ailleurs, les rkactions catalysCes par les acides se produiraient par le biais d'une protonation Clectrophile qui se ferait d'une faqon perpendiculaire au plan du cCttne.[Traduit par la revue]The kinetic study of the hydration of ketenes in wholly At least partly because of the diversity of methods and conaqueous media is complicated not only by the strong tendency ditions that have been used for these studies of ketene hydration of the ketenes to dimerize but also by their high reactivity with there are also widely divergent views of the mechanisms of water. Previously, only by using in situ generation of ketenes these processes, and these have been recently reviewed (10). by flash photolysis of diazoketones to give arylketenes (1) or of We have advocated (5, 6) the processes shown in eqs.[3]-[5] cyclobutanone to give ketene (2), together with fast measure-A+ ment techniques, have such studies been accomplished (eqs.