Weakly wandering sequences play an important role in the study of ergodic measure preserving transformations defined on an infinite measure space. A se quence {ni} is a weakly wandering sequence for a transformation T defined on a measure space (X, B, Vie) if there exists a set A of positive measure for which the sets Tni A are mutually disjoint. In the past we have been successful in utilizing these sequences in exhibiting new and useful properties of ergodic transformations. In this article we discuss an application of weakly wandering sequences to the additive behavior of integers. We present here a result and a proof that are number theoretic in nature. We should mention however, that the measure preserving transforma tions that we have been studying together with their ergodic properties are the underlying concrete structures from which we were able to conjecture and prove the algebraic results that follow. In this article we omit discussion of topics that are ergodic in nature. To the interested reader we refer the articles [2] through [6]. Let us consider the set of all non-negative integers N={0, 1, 2,...}. Two infinite subsets A and B of N are said to have a direct sum if whenever an integer nEN can be represented as n=a+b and n=a'+b' with a, a'EA and b, b'EB then a=a' and b=b'. In this case we use the notation A+B to indicate the set {a+baEA, beB} . If A+BN then we say that B is a complementing set for A in N. Clearly, this is a symmetric property in A and B. De Bruijn [1] studied the behavior of complementing subsets of N, and the structure of such subsets is well understood, see [1] and [7]. When the set N is replaced by the set Z, the set of all integers, then the situation gets to be much more complicated, and very little seems to be known about the behavior of complementing subsets of Z. For instance, if an infinite set A has a complementing set B in N then this complementing set in N is unique. It is also not difficult to show that the set A has the set -B={-bbEB} as a complementing set in Z, and in fact, the set A happens to possess a continuum number of complementing subsets in Z; see [3]. A typical example in this connection is the set A consisting of 0 and all finite sums of odd powers of 2. One may regard the set A as consisting of 0 and all positive integers n which contain zero in the even places of their binary representation.It is easy to see that A has as its complementing set in N the set B consisting