We report on a p a tien t w ith congenital glaucoma, b rach ycep h aly w ith flat occiput, large an terior fon tan el, hypertelorism , anteverted n ostrils, thoracolum bar kyphosis, prom inent coccyx w ith sk in fold, short hands and feet, flexion deform ity of fingers, and clubfeet. representing an autosom al recessive form of M elnick-Needles syndrom e. We b elieve this diagnosis is no lon ger tenable. After having review ed the relev a n t literature, we con clude th at m ost probably w e are dealing with a n ew autosom al recessive syndrome. We propose to nam e th is en tity ter Haar syn drome. < § > 1995 W iley-Liss, Inc.KEY WORDS: con gen ital glaucoma, cranio facial anom alies, cardiovas cular malformation, mild sk eletal dysplasia, autosom al recessiv e, ter Haar syndrome