The objective of this study was to develop a mathematical model to determine
the tendency of the groundwater level changes under the influence of
external factors to prevent environmentally hazardous impacts and emergency
situations. Mathematical methods (analytical solution of differential
filtration equations involved the computer program Maple) - for creation the
groundwater level changes model, methods of ecological and economic
assessment and comparative analysis - for the identification of groundwater
level impact important factors and groundwater level impact on the
environment, balance method - for assessing the groundwater level changes.
The mathematical model in 2D formulation works from any value of the initial
groundwater level. The value of groundwater level changing at constant
evapotranspiration has been obtained, which has been visualized by
calculations for limited areas of the Kharkiv territory. Three-dimensional
modelling of groundwater level changing in contrast to two-dimensional
allows to take into account the dependence of evapotranspiration on the
presence of artificial coverings on the soil surface, which are located
unevenly and have different filtration coefficients, which causes
corresponding groundwater level changes of urban areas. The nature of
groundwater level changes under the influence of external factors has been
determined. The necessity to create three-dimensional mathematical models to
describe groundwater level changes and improve forecasts of their changes
have been identified. A three-dimensional mathematical model of urban
groundwater level changes, such as atmospheric water infiltration,
additional groundwater replenishment, transpiration, evaporation,
evapotranspiration, and groundwater abstraction has been developed. The
boundary conditions of the three-dimensional mathematical model have been