An additive hereditary graph property is a set of graphs, closed under isomorphism and under taking subgraphs and disjoint unions. Let P 1 , . . . , P n be additive hereditary graph properties. A graph G has property (P 1 • · · · • P n ) if there is a partition (V 1 , . . . , V n ) of V (G) into n sets such that, for all i, the induced subgraphSemanišin and Vasky [J. Graph Theory 33 (2000), 44-53] gave a factorisation for any additive hereditary property P into a given number dc(P) of irreducible additive hereditary factors. Mihók [Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 20 (2000), 143-153] gave a similar factorisation for properties that are additive and induced-hereditary (closed under taking induced-subgraphs and disjoint unions).Their results left open the possiblity of different factorisations, maybe even with a different number of factors; we prove here that the given factorisations are, in fact, unique.