Fluid interfaces significantly influence the dynamics of protein solutions, effects that can be isolated by performing experiments in microgravity, greatly reducing the amount of solid boundaries present, allowing air-liquid interfaces to become dominant. This investigation examined the effects of protein concentration on interfacial shear-induced fibrillization of insulin in microgravity within a containerless biochemical reactor, the ring-sheared drop (RSD), aboard the international space station (ISS). Human insulin was used as a model amyloidogenic protein for studying protein kinetics with applications to in situ pharmaceutical production, tissue engineering, and diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, infectious prions, and type 2 diabetes. Experiments investigated three main stages of amyloidogenesis: nucleation studied by seeding native solutions with fibril aggregates, fibrillization quantified using intrinsic fibrillization rate after fitting measured solution intensity to a sigmoidal function, and gelation observed by detection of solidification fronts. Results demonstrated that in surface-dominated amyloidogenic protein solutions: seeding with fibrils induces fibrillization of native protein, intrinsic fibrillization rate is independent of concentration, and that there is a minimum fibril concentration for gelation with gelation rate and rapidity of onset increasing monotonically with increasing protein concentration. These findings matched well with results of previous studies within ground-based analogs.