We produced a bending template representative of the most complex plating location on the pelvis, the posterior wall. A surgeon then accurately bent reconstruction plate to match the bending template, proving that the software produced a dimensionally accurate output.Other work has shown that the pre-bending of plates can shorten operative time, reduce blood loss, and allow for less invasive procedures. However, methods currently available for pre-bending patient specific plates involve the lengthy process of printing the patient's pelvis and then a lengthy sterilization process of the implant itself.Our method allows the template to be printed and processed in as little as 3 hours and sterilized by autoclave in less than 10 minutes.Further work needs to be done to evaluate how the process works when used in a patient case, to statistically prove that our method reduces operative time and blood loss, and show that plates bent using our method are similar between all members of the surgical team.vi