Learning from nature has become a shortcut to synthesize new materials or to improve their properties for different applications [1][2][3][4][5][6]. In particular, surfaces with extreme wettability found in nature have attracted great interest because they can find applications in industry, agriculture, and daily life [7,8]. Among them, superhydrophobic surfaces, that is, those that show a water contact angle (WCA) >150 • and a sliding angle <5 • have been especially investigated in recent years [9] because of the foreseeable applications in biomedicine and tissue engineering. One can find this unique property in many plants or insects, as shown in Figure 10.1, such as in lotus leaves, legs of water strider, butterfly wings, and moth or mosquito eyes [10-13]. The lotus leaf, the most well-known example of superhydrophobicity in nature, also presents the so-called self-cleaning effect, as reported by Barthlott and Ehler in 1977 for the first time [14]. Furthermore, surface analysis indicates that the lotus leaf surface is full of micropapillae and that nanoscale structures can be observed on each papilla. These hierarchical micro-and nanostructures and the covered thin layer of biowax are responsible for the superhydrophobicity of the lotus leaves. This kind of surface is also called isotropic superhydrophobic surface because of the isotropy of the surface roughness geometry. Anisotropic superhydrophobic surfaces can also be found in nature, for example, a wheat leaf or a butterfly wing, in which wettability changes with the direction [15,16]. These surfaces could be widely used for designing new microfluidic [17] and bioanalyzing devices that require directional (2D) and spatial (3D) variations of controlled wettability, adhesive force, and friction force. Regarding the superhydrophobic cases of insects in nature, and taking the water strider as an example, the ability to ''walk'' on water surface has been attributed to the combined action of the covered biowax and the nano/microscale hierarchical structures of the small hairs (setae) on the legs [18,19].From the previous examples taken from nature, it is clear that the special hierarchical micro-and nanostructures are the determinants of the superhydrophobicity of a surface. Because the adhesion of cells or proteins on a surface is also affected by the surface wettability, these special hierarchical structures can be foreseen to Biomimetic Approaches for Biomaterials Development, First Edition. Edited by João F. Mano.