Three chemical reactions can probe the secondary and tertiary interactions of RNA molecules in solution. Dimethyl sulfate monitors the N-7 of guanosines and senses tertiary interactions there, diethyl pyrocarbonate detects stacking of adenosines, and an alternate dimethyl sulfate reaction examines the N-3 of cytidines and thus probes base pairing. The reactions work between 0C and 90'C and at pH 4.5-8.5 in a variety of buffers. As an example we follow the progressive denaturation of yeast tRNA"h terminally labeled with 32P as the tertiary and secondary structures sequentially melt out. A single autoradiograph of a terminally labeled molecule locates regions of higher-order structure and identifies the bases involved.The three-dimensional configuration of an RNA molecule determines many of its biological properties. Chemical reagents provide sensitive probes of the conformation of nucleic acids in solution, detecting such properties as base pairing, base stacking, or the shielding of reactive groups by tertiary structure or complex formation with a protein or ion. With a base-specific reagent and a terminally labeled polynucleotide, a single experiment can probe such properties of that base wherever it occurs in the molecule. Our base-specific reagents weaken the glycosyl bond between the base and the ribosyl moiety of the polynucleotide. Thus, an initial, limited, base-specific modification appears ultimately as a chemically induced strand scission. The distance of the strand scission from the terminal label locates the position of the attacked base'along the molecule. The resultant nucleotide fragments are electrophoretically separated by size on polyacrylamide gels and their lengths are determined by autoradiography. This approach underlies the chemical determination of the sequence of DNA (1) and RNA (2) molecules. It has also been used to study .Dimethyl sulfate alkylates the N-7 position of guanosines (6) and the N-3 position of cytidines (7); diethyl pyrocarbonate carbethoxylates the N-7 of adenosines (8). However, these reactions occur only if the sites are not involved in structural interactions and, hence, are available for chemical modification. Furthermore, the diethyl pyrocarbonate reaction appears to be sensitive to the stacking of adenosines. Thus, these reagents effectively probe conformation by providing structure-specific data as well as base-specific information. If an RNA molecule is modified under totally denaturing conditions, a full sequence spectrum is generated on the autoradiograph that displays the electrophoretically separated labeled fragments (2). However, if the molecule is probed under native or semidenaturing conditions, only a partial sequence spectrum.appears (see Fig. 1 for example). Thus, when the probing reactions are run in parallel with the chemical sequencing reactions, a single autoradiograph locates regions of higher-order structure and simultaneously identifies the bases involved. The RNA can be labeled before or after the initial reactions.By using yeast tRNA...