he US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is an independent body that works to improve health outcomes for all peopleintheUSthroughevidence-basedpreventivecarerecommendations,viaarigorousreviewofexistingevidenceassessingthe effects of clinical preventive services on peoples' health and quality of life. 1,2 The USPSTF adheres to transparent processes that are continually refined to ensure the trustworthiness of recommendations. 3,4 Significant issues affect evaluating the net benefits of preventive services. First, continued evidence of inequities in the delivery of preventive services persist for groups that experience racism. 5 Second, across preventive services, the evidence is often from studies with primarily White and male research participants. Foundational US trials of preventive services with adequate inclusion of participants who identify as people of color (specifically, Black, Indigenous, and Latino/Latina people) are limited and may not be feasible or ethical to replicate once evidence in White persons is established. Third, these observations are likely caused by systemic racism, the ways in which public and private policies, institutional practices, and cultural representations foster, reinforce, and perpetuate racial inequality throughout society. [6][7][8] In recognition of the dual crisis of centuries of systemic racism and enduring health inequities affecting people of color in the US, 8,9 the USPSTF in 2021 endorsed embedding considerations in every step of its recommendation development process to help rectify the effects of social injustices. 10 The USPSTF created a Race and Racism Workgroup and developed a roadmap that outlined 6 actions (Box). 10 A report was commissioned to provide information about how racism and health inequities are being addressed in preventive health care and guideline development; details are described in the accompanying article 11 and full report. 5 This article focuses on updates of USPSTF methods to address systemic racism and promote health equity in preventive services.
Findings From the Commissioned Report
Purpose of the Commissioned ReportThe Scientific Resource Center for the USPSTF was commissioned to conduct evidence syntheses on how racism and health inequities IMPORTANCE US life expectancy and health outcomes for preventable causes of disease have continued to lag in many populations that experience racism. OBJECTIVE To propose iterative changes to US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) processes, methods, and recommendations and enact a commitment to eliminate health inequities for people affected by systemic racism.
DESIGN AND EVIDENCEIn February 2021, the USPSTF began operational steps in its work to create preventive care recommendations to address the harmful effects of racism. A commissioned methods report was conducted to inform this process. Key findings of the report informed proposed updates to the USPSTF methods to address populations adversely affected by systemic racism and proposed pilots on implementation of the proposed changes.