We have employed sulfhydryl group reagents in an attempt to determine the mechanism by which the transport of nucleotides into synaptic vesicles is controlled. Transport proved to be sensitive to N-ethylmaleimide; radiolabelled N-ethylmaleimide was used to locate the sulfhydryl group to the translocase-associated molecule previously identified as a polypeptide of MI 34000 [Lee and Witzemann (1983) Biochemistry 22,6123-61301. The nucleotide uptake was 75% inhibited by the mercurials p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate. Uptake was also sensitive to the reagents phenylarsine oxide and iodosobenzoic acid, which are specific for dithiols. These results indicate that a readily accessible dithiol is critical for nucleotide transport. Using the lipophilic oxidants iodosobenzoic acid and plumbagin, we demonstrated that nucleotide uptake was inhibited upon oxidation of the dithiol but that this did not involve an alteration in the affinity of the translocase for its substrate.Reactive sulfhydryl groups often play an important role in the transport of molecules across biological membranes. The ADP/ATP carrier from beef heart mitochondria [l], the glucose transporter of the intestinal brush border membrane [2, 31 and Ca2+ transport by the Ca2+, Mg2+-adenosine triphosphate of the sarcoplasmic reticulum [4], for example, all show high sensitivity to sulfhydryl-blocking reagents. In many cases, the sensitive sulfhydryl groups are involved in a dithiol-disulfide interconversion which in turn affects the affinity of the carrier for the substrate. This has been best demonstrated in the case of hexose and lactose transport in bacteria [5]. The importance of such redox-sensitive steps in the diverse transport systems for Ca2+ (61, Pi [7], y-aminobutyric acid in brain synaptosomes [8], and glucose [9, 101 as well as for hexose and lactose mentioned above, has led Robillard and Konings [ll] to propose that these dithioldisulfide interconversions play a general role in regulating membrane transport.Cholinergic synaptic vesicles from the electromotor tissue of Torpedo marmorata contain an adenine nucleotide translocase with general specificity for transporting ATP, AMP, and ADP [12]. This translocase has been identified with a membrane polypeptide of MI 34000 [13,14].For both synaptic vesicles from electric organ as well as chromaffin granules, loading with ATP occurs prior to the import of neurotransmitter [15, 161. This fact has led to the hypothesis that the presence of ATP is essential for the uptake of the neurotransmitter [12, 151. Since acetylcholine uptake and vesicle recycling may be regulated by vesicular ATP concentrations it is important to understand the molecular mechanism of ATP uptake into vesicles. We have initiated experiments to determine whether sensitive thiol or disulfide groups, located on the translocase, would affect ATP transport into synaptic vesicles.From the experiments reported here, free sulfhydryl groups can be shown to be involved in ATP translocation and to play a critical rol...