Forskolin-resistant mutants derived from Y1 adrenocortical cells display decreased responsiveness both to receptor and postreceptor stimulators of adenylyl cyclase and decreased amounts of the a subunits of the GTP-binding proteins (G proteins) that mediate stimulation (Gj) and inhibition (GO) of adenylyl cycas-namely, Ga and Gja-2. This phenotype is suggestive ofa mutation that affects the processing or plasma membrane incorporation of G protein a subunits. Since the membrane attachment of heterotrimeric G proteins has been ascribed in part to the Py subunits, we examined the quantity and functional activity of Py subunits in wild-type Y1 and forskolin-resistant Forsk-lOr-9 and Forsk-lOr-3 cells. We now show that two assays previously used to examIne the activity of purified by subunits-namely, to support either rhodopsin-catalyzed guanyl nucleotide exchange on Gta or pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of Gta-can be used with detergent extracts of cells. In both assays the ry activity in Forsk-lOr-9 and Forsk-lOr-3 extracts was decreased by 53-76% compared with wild-type Y1 extracts. When normalized for immunoreactive P8 subunit, the Pr activity in the Forsk-lOr-9 samples was decreased by 55-57% compared with the wild-type Y1 samples. These results suggest that a mutation of one of the G protein (3 or y subunits may result in the multiple defects of adenylyl cyclase activity and apparent loss of G protein a subunits seen in the forskolin-resistant mutant cells. The frequency with which these spontaneous mutations arise in the Y1 cell line suggests that they may contribute more generally to genetic abnormalities in signal transduction.A number of forskolin-resistant mutants isolated from the Y1 mouse adrenocortical tumor cell line have adenylyl cyclase responses that are completely insensitive to corticotropin, only partially stimulated by forskolin and guanyl nucleotide analogs, and yet almost fully responsive to NaF (1, 2). Plasma membrane preparations from the mutant cell lines contain decreased levels of GTP-binding protein (G protein) a subunits, as assessed by bacterial toxin-catalyzed ADPribosylations (3) and immunoblotting (4). Ga and G1-2a subunits of the G proteins that mediate stimulation (Gj) and inhibition (Gj) of adenylyl cyclase were reduced by 70-80o in the mutants, while the levels of Gj-3a and the two P subunits were not consistently altered in several independent mutant cell lines. mRNA levels of all G protein subunits were unaltered in any of the forskolin-resistant mutants (4). While these results indicate multiple defects in the signal transduction systems of forskolin-resistant cells, the frequency of mutation and consistency of the phenotype argue for a single mutational event. Therefore, one of us has suggested (4) that forskolin-resistant mutants may have resulted from a single mutation that affects the processing of specific G protein a subunits or their incorporation into the plasma membrane.G proteins that regulate adenylyl cyclase, G, and Gi, are localized to the cyt...