Introduction. The Multilevel EDucational and MOtivational intervention in patients after myocardial infarcTION (MED-MOTION) project has been designed to test the comprehensive strategy of treatment after acute coronary syndrome. The aim of MEDMOTION is to improve the efficacy of secondary prevention, complementing patients' education with motivational interventions. Material and methods. Individualised motivation and complex health education, started during hospitalisation and continued after discharge, explaining the pathophysiology and symptoms of the disease, elucidating goals and potential benefits of treatment, and highlighting the risk of premature termination of therapy, with the use of additional methods helping patients to remember the treatment schedule, will be applied to enhance adherence to treatment, resulting in improved clinical outcomes. Interventions targeting the attitudes and knowledge of nurses and physicians form part of the MEDMOTION project, including analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of medical staff in the context of motivation and therapeutic education, workshops on interpersonal (medical staff and patient) communication, motivational and educational strategies. Conclusion. We believe that motivational actions, complementing educational interventions, are essential for successful secondary prevention after ACS.