SummaryAim. The aim of this study was to investigate structural and functional characteristics (morphology, membrane stiffness, adhesion) of blood neu trophils in patients with COPD and pulmonary hypertension (PH) using atomic force microscopy.Methods. This was a local open comparative study involving 30 in patients with severe COPD. Of them, 15 patients had PH and 15 patients had nor mal pulmonary artery pressure. Complete blood cell count was performed in the 1 st day of admission. Pulse oxymetry, spirometry, echocardiographic examination were used in all patients. Neutrophils were separated from venous blood. Surfaces of 10-12 cells were scanned and lateral section curves were constructed to meas ure the cell height and maximal height of cytoplasmic granules. Nuclear and cell areas were also calculated using Pico Image Basic 5.1 software. The membrane elastic properties and adhesion strength of native neutrophils were evaluated using force spectrometry. Results. Neutrophil adhesion strength was significantly higher in patients with COPD + PH compared to this parameter in patients with COPD and normal pulmonary artery pressure. In patients with COPD + PH neutrophils had less nuclear segments and significantly higher cell phasic height, increased cytoplasm granularity adhesion strength and membrane stiffness. Conclusion. The results demonstrated that structural and functional changes in blood neutrophils were more significant in patients with COPD and PH. Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary hypertension, atomic force microscopy, neutrophils, morphometry, membrane stiff ness, adhesion strength.
РезюмеМетодом атомно силовой микроскопии проведен анализ морфофункционального состояния (морфометрия, сила адгезии и жесткость мембраны) нейтрофилов у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) в зависимости от наличия легочной гипер тензии (ЛГ). В режиме силовой спектроскопии выполнена количественная оценка модуля упругости (модуль Юнга) клеточной мемб раны и силы адгезии нейтрофилов. По результатам исследования показано, что у больных ХОБЛ + ЛГ наблюдается активация нейтро филов (уменьшение размеров, увеличение гранулированности цитоплазмы), значимое увеличение жесткости мембраны (повышение значения модуля Юнга) и силы адгезии нейтрофилов по сравнению с контролем и пациентами без ЛГ. Ключевые слова: хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких, легочная гипертензия, атомно силовая микроскопия, нейтрофилы, мор фометрия, жесткость мембраны, сила адгезии.