The effect of the modification of a fine filler with an epoxy oligomer and compositions by ultraviolet irradiation on the creep of materials filled with basalt and glass cloths under the influence of aggressive media has been studied. It has been found that to reduce the creep of materials, two-layer epoxy composite "hybrid" materials containing glass and basalt cloths must be used. In order to improve the performance of composites, an ultraviolet-irradiated epoxy binder containing epoxy-oligomer-modified fine filler particles must be used as an interlayer.Introduction. One of the most important physicomechanical properties of epoxy composite materials (CM) and protective coatings based on them is creep under the influence of static and dynamic loads during the operation of basic equipment. The creep of materials is much enhanced by their exposure to aggressive media. It has been found that the properties of materials can be improved, and hence their creep under the influence of static and cyclic loads and temperature gradient can be reduced by using "hybrid" epoxy composites with continuous fibers, which have different physical nature, and cloths based on them [1]. Hybrid CMs with fibers regularly alternating in one layer of material (or each composite layer is formed with cloths of different type contained in it) are mainly used in the formation of composites with improved physicomechanical properties [1]. Note that glass, basalt, carbon, boron and metallic fibers or cloths are most frequently used in the formation of such composites and protective coatings based on them.The choice of oligomer binder is important in the formation of materials with improved performance, including those with low creep characteristics. It has been found that the use of an epoxy matrix upgrades the adhesion and cohesion properties of CMs, which mainly determine the performance in the case of the long-term use of coatings [2]. Moreover, it has been shown that to improve cohesive strength, fine fillers, which are previously modified with epoxy oligomer, must be added to the binder [3]. This surface modification of filler enhances its interaction with oligomer binder macromolecules. Later on, the treatment of epoxy compositions with modified particles with external energy fields, including ultraviolet irradiation (UVI), forms active radicals in oligomer, which improves interaction at the interface near the filler surface. In this case, a material with improved cohesion properties is formed; it is expedient to use it as an interlayer between cloths for hybrid CMs of different types. This makes it possible to reduce the creep of composites in the case of their use in aggressive media.Thus, the formation of the layer that is nearer to the substrate with damping and relaxation characteristics is important in the creation of two-layer coatings. In this case, the outer layer can perform other functions: corrosion resistance, wear resistance, thermal or heat conductivity, etc.The aim of the work is to study the effect of modifying fine fille...