Hypodontia is one of the most common developmental problems of human dentition. The treatment of missing maxillary central incisors is always a challenging task, often requiring a multidisciplinary approach. This case report describes such a multidisciplinary approach for a female patient with congenitally missing maxillary central incisors and class II division 1 occlusion. Significant horizontal overlap was present with class II division 1 occlusion in a patient with a history of cleft palate. Implant therapy was thereby not an option. Orthodontic treatment was provided to decrease the horizontal overlap and reposition the teeth. Esthetic crown lengthening was performed and monolithic lithium disilicate crowns were placed. Critical analysis of the treatment plan through cooperation among specialists is required to obtain the ideal result. Orthodontic treatment may be necessary to close or gain more space, followed by implant placement (if acceptable), and restorative treatment. It is important to create the treatment plan through a multidisciplinary approach involving orthodontists, surgeons, and restorative specialists before initiating treatment.