Building upon several recent advances in the development of effective-one-body models for spinaligned eccentric binaries with individual masses (m1, m2) we introduce a new EOB waveform model that aims at describing inspiralling binaries in the large mass-ratio regime, m1 m2. The model exploits the current state-of-the-art TEOBResumS-DALI model for eccentric binaries, but the standard EOB potentials (A, D, Q), informed by Numerical Relativity (NR) simulations, are replaced with the corresponding functions that are linear in the symmetric mass ratio ν ≡ m1m2/(m1 + m2) 2 taken at 8.5PN accuracy. To improve their strong-field behavior, these functions are: (i) suitably factorized and resummed using Padé approximants and (ii) additionally effectively informed to state-of-the-art numerical results obtained by gravitational self-force theory (GSF). For simplicity, the spin-sector of the model is taken to be the one of TEOBResumS-DALI, though removing the NR-informed spinorbit effective corrections. We propose the current GSF-informed EOB framework as a conceptually complete analytical tool to generate waveforms for eccentric Extreme (and Intermediate) Mass Ratio Inspirals for future gravitational wave detectors.