We investigate the oxidation of aluminum low-index surfaces ͓͑100͒, ͑110͒, and ͑111͔͒ at low temperatures ͑300-600 K͒ and three different gas pressure values. We use molecular dynamics ͑MD͒ simulations with dynamic charge transfer between atoms where the interaction between atoms is described by the Es+ potential composed of the embedded atom method ͑EAM͒ potential and an electrostatic contribution. In the considered temperature range and under different gas pressure conditions, the growth kinetics follow a direct logarithmic law where the oxide thickness is limited to a value of ϳ3 nm. The fitted curves allow us to determine the temperature and the pressure dependencies of the parameters involved in the growth law. During the adsorption stage, we observe a rotation of the oxygen pair as a precursor process to its dissociation. In most cases, the rotation aligns the molecule vertically to the Al surface. The separation distance after dissociation ranges from 3 to 9 Å. Atomistic observations revealed that the oxide presents a dominant tetrahedral ͑AlO 4 ͒ environment in the inner layer and mixed tetrahedral and octahedral ͑AlO 6 ͒ environments in the outer oxide region when the oxide thickness reaches values beyond ϳ2 nm.