In refugee applications involving witchcraft-related violence (WRV), those accused of witchcraft are largely women, and those fearing witchcraft are more often men. This is one of two interrelated articles reporting on cases where claimants feared harm from witchcraft or occult practices. It argues that WRV is a manifestation of genderrelated harm, one which exposes major failings in the application of refugee jurisprudence. Systemic inattention to the meaning and application of the Convention ground of religion, combined with gender insensitivity in analysis, meant that claims were frequently reconfigured by decision makers as personal grudges. The fear of witchcraft cases pose an acute ontological challenge to refugee status determination, as the claimed harm falls outside what is understood to be objective, verifiable, or Convention-related. Male applicants struggled to make their claims comprehensible as a result of the feminized and irrational' characterization of witchcraft fears and beliefs.
INTRODUCTIOǸWitchcraft' is an umbrella term for beliefs and practices concerning supernatural powers and objects, which vary widely across communities, regions, and time. Witchcraft and sorcery form an integral part of everyday life in many countries, influencing how people understand the world and their place within it. 1 While witchcraft beliefs and practices are strongly 370