Supercapacitors (SCs) have attracted considerable research interest because of their complementary role to dominated lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) for powering the electrified society. [1] In contrast to the bulk-involved reactions for energy storage in LIBs, SCs mainly store charges in the electric double layers (EDLs) via electrostatic adsorption where highly porous and conductive materials, for example, activated carbons, are needed. [2] This storage mechanism allows SCs to exhibit excellent rate capability, long cyclic life, and high safety; therefore, it is indispensable in many fields. [3] However, despite these advantages, the limited charge storage space within electrode materials considerably restricts the energy density of SCs. To overcome this limitation, tremendous efforts have been devoted to the search for electrode materials that employ alternative charge-storage mechanisms that can improve energy storage. [4] Some metal oxides (MOs) can afford extremely fast surface redox reactions which compare favorably with those of electrostatic charge adsorption at the EDLs. Although these processes are faradaic in nature, they show an excellent rate capability that is similar to that of the EDL charge storage in the porous carbon electrodes of current SCs. Then, these MOs are defined as pseudocapacitive materials, and they can improve the energy density of current SCs. [5] The theoretical capacitance of the MO-based electrodes can be calculated using Equation (1) [6] Cwhere n, F, M, and V represent the number of transferred electrons, Faraday constant (C mol À1 ), the molar mass of the MOs (g mol À1 ), and operating voltage window (V), respectively. The specific capacitance of the typical MO electrode materials is summarized in Table 1.The MOs should have suitable electronic structures, desired electrical conductivity, and sufficient active sites to facilitate surface redox reactions. To this end, tremendous progress has been realized via research efforts in recent decades. [7] Heteroatomdoping has been widely used to engineer electronic structures. [8] Zeng et al. [9] synthesized a Ti-doped Fe 2 O 3 @poly