This paper contributes to the burgeoning literature on content
moderation by focusing on its practice in relation to localized social media contexts, an
area which remains under-researched. It makes two key contributions. Firstly, it presents
the results of a study on moderation practices in relation to place-named Facebook groups
across Greater London. Drawing on in-depth interviews with administrators and moderators
from 16 Facebook groups, we focus on exploring how such administrators and moderators
negotiate an apparent ‘orientational’ tension between ‘translocality’ and ‘locality’. On the
one hand, we explore how administrators and moderators oriented partly to what might be
understood as the 'translocal' space of Facebook as a platform. On the other hand, we also
sought to understand how such administrators and moderators orient to the localised
situation surrounding the place-named Facebook group. Our second key contribution aligns
with the conference theme on co-dependence and social media, outlining a conceptual approach
for researching the geographical contexts or ‘place’ of content moderation more broadly. We
emphasize the inherent, practical locality of content moderation. Drawing on a long
tradition of relational approaches in human geography, cultural anthropology and philosophy,
we conceptualize ‘locality’ as something produced through practical action, rather being
pre-given, specific geographical locations. Approaching the place or context of content
moderation relationally, rather than via geographical scales such as local or global, might
not only provide a more context sensitive approach, but also, underline the limits of
large-scale moderation, whether by platforms or governments, or through human or algorithmic