“…The remaining articles instead explored agency in single facets: critical Children and youths Agency as the ability to exercise control over one's life, connected with notions like autonomy, nonconformity, internal locus of control, resistance to persuasion by parents or peers, self-determination and competence. (Beyers et al, 2003) Agency as a global belief in one's ability to make and attain goals in general (Berhane et al, 2019;Poteat et al, 2018) Agency as individuals' capacity to gain control over their lives (Burger & Walk, 2016) Agency is conceptualized as individuals' control over their environment (Krauss et al, 2014) Agency as the ability to act independently from others and the ability to choose from different opportunities (Steckermeier, 2019) Agency refers to the sense of having the capacity for meaningful and successful action, something related but of equivalent, to the perception of having structural opportunities to exercise such capacities" "is the self-reflective belief about one's capacity to achieve life course goals, influencing perseverance across difficult life course situations (Hitlin & Elder, 2007) Agency is more than independence or autonomy: it refers to a person's capacity, willingness and ability to actively construct their life course (Williams & Merten, 2014) Agency as the capacity to make purposeful choices as well as external factors, or opportunity structures that create the enabling environment within which individuals pursue their interest (Zimmerman et al, 2019) Agency as the capacity to act positively across space and time with respect to oppressive structure in one's environment (Veronese et al, 2019a(Veronese et al, , 2019b(Veronese et al, , 2020a(Veronese et al, , 2020b Women Agency is the ability to define one's goals and act upon them (Cheong et al, 2017;Richardson, 2018;Richardson et al, 2019a, b;…”