The model profession uses the appearance for the representation of products and brands via events. For some individuals that are included in this medium, plus a laboral activity, modeling becomes a lifestyle, the search for the status and work opportunities turn a dream for a thousands of children and teenagers because the profession has particulars experiences. To win this, many girls change physical and eating behaviors which are harmful to health. The objective of this study was to analyze the health-related physical fitness in female models comparing them with nonmodels. The study was conducted at the Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Participated of the study female runway and commercial models bokered in Cast One Models, with age between 15-25 years old. The non-models were students from public and private schools or university students. The health-related physical fitness, the physical activity levels and dietary intake were assessed of all participants. The data were described as mean and standard deviation. For comparison between models and non-models was used t independent test for variables normally distributed and U Mann-Whitney test for not normally distributed variables, adopting a level of significance (α) of 0.05. It was found difference in total energy between model group and non-model (GM: 1509.78 kcal, NM: 2292.51 Kcal; p = 0.014). There were no differences between groups in the others variables analyzed (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the profession model seems not interfere in variables that make up the health-related physical fitness.