In this study, secondary metabolite profiles of flower, leaf and root of Adonis paryadrica ethanolic extracts were performed by using a newly developed and validated LC-MS/MS method. For this purpose, the LC-MS/MS system was used for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of 37 phytochemicals. The main component of the flower, leaf and root extracts was the quinic acid (160, 111 and 64 mg/kg, respectively). Antioxidant activities were determined using methods such as DPPH (SC50, mg/mL), FRAP (µM TEAC), CUPRAC (µM TEAC), ABTS (SC50, mg/mL) and TPC (GAE, µg/mL). While the highest antioxidant activity value for FRAP, CUPRAC, ABTS and TPC methods was determined in the leaf part of the plant, this value was determined in the flower part for DPPH. The antibacterial effects of the plant extracts were determined by liquid microdilution and agar diffusion methods. As a result, antimicrobial effect of flowers, leaf and all sections of plant extracts were determined except plant root extracts which did not display any activity against bacteria. Antimicrobial activity of the plant flower extract was found to be higher especially against to P. vulgaris with 3.5 mg/mL MIC. Rezumat În acest studiu, au fost evaluați metaboliții secundari din extractele etanolice provenite de la florile, frunzele și rădăcinile de Adonis paryadrica, utilizând o metodă LC-MS/MS. În acest scop, s-au pus în evidență 37 fitocompuși, componenta principală fiind acidul quinic (160, 111 și respectiv 64 mg/kg). Activitatea antioxidantă a extractelor a fost determinată prin metode precum DPPH, FRAP, CUPRAC, ABTS și TPC. Extractul de frunze a prezentat activitatea antioxidantă cea mai pronunțată prin metodele FRAP, CUPRAC, ABTS și TPC, iar extractul alcoolic de flori prin metoda DPPH. Efectele antibacteriene ale extractelor au fost determinate prin metoda microdiluției și cea difuzimetrică. Cu excepția extractului de rădăcină, toate celelalte au prezentat activitate antibacteriană. Cea mai mare valoare a CMI pentru P. vulgaris a fost obținută pentru extractul de flori.