Purpose: Supportive services at home are essential for older people with severe chronic impairments. Newer "consumer-directed" models of organizing home-based services rely heavily on service recipients rather than home care agencies to arrange and direct care at home. This study examined differences in service experience and outcomes between recipients over and under age 65 who direct their own services in one large Medicaid program. Design and Methods: A random sample of 1,095 recipients of In-Home Supportive Services in California was selected and interviewed by telephone. Interviews were conducted in English, Spanish, and three Asian languages; those with severe cognitive impairment were excluded from the study. Results: Findings indicate that although younger recipients embrace self-direction more enthusiastically than older ones, age differences are small on a majority of service outcomes. On average, older users embrace this model and manage within it much like younger users. Some differences emerge between the young-old (65-74) and old-old (75 ϩ ), but these are neither consistent nor determinative. Implications: Old age is far from an inevitable barrier to self-direction. As with other age groups, there are opportunities and obstacles to be addressed as this newer approach to home care is disseminated.