Rendahnya adopsi teknologi inseminasi buatan (IB) disebabkan peternak masih ragu dengan nilai ekonomi yang didapat dari mengikuti program tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui besar biaya produksi dan pendapatan peternak sapi potong, kontribusi ternak sapi potong terhadap total pendapatan dan perbedaan pendapatan dan kontribusi pendapatan peternak sapi potong yang mengikuti dan yang tidak mengikuti program inseminasi buatan (IB). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Waelata yang merupakan salah satu wilayah pengembangan sapi potong di Kabupaten Buru. Sampel wilayah sebanyak 3 desa diambil secara purposive sampling dan sampel responden sebanyak 85 peternak yang terdiri dari 30 responden mengikuti program Inseminasi buatan (IB) dan 55 responden yang tidak mengikuti. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode focus discussion group (FGD), survey, dan observasi. Analisis data secara deskriptif, perhitungan ekonomi, kontribusi pendapatan dan analisis uji beda untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besar biaya produksi usaha ternak sapi potong yang mengikuti program IB sebesar Rp 5.490.444,- dengan pendapatan Rp. 14.207.022,66 per tahun dan besar biaya produksi yang tidak mengikuti program IB Rp. 2.188.925,91 dengan pendapatan Rp, 7.085.185,01 per tahun. Kontribusi pendapatan dari usaha sapi potong hasil IB 46,89% lebih besar dari yang tidak mengkuti program IB 32,69% dan merupakan cabang usaha. Terdapat perbedaan pendapatan antara usaha sapi potong yang mengikuti dengan yang tidak mengikuti program IB.
The low adoption of artificial insemination (AI) technology is because breeders are still unsure about the economic value gained from participating in the program. The aim of this research is to determine the production costs and income of beef cattle breeders, the contribution of beef cattle to total income and the difference in income and income contribution of beef cattle breeders who participate and who do not participate in the artificial insemination (AI) program. The research was carried out in Waelata District, which is one of the beef cattle development areas in Buru Regency. A regional sample of 3 villages was taken using purposive sampling and the sample of respondents was 85 breeders consisting of 30 respondents who participated in the Artificial Insemination (AI) program and 55 respondents who did not. Data collection used focus group discussion (FGD), survey and observation methods. Descriptive data analysis, economic calculations, income contribution and analysis of difference tests to determine income differences. The results of the research show that the production costs for beef cattle businesses that take part in the AI program are IDR 5,490,444,- with an income of IDR. 14,207,022.66 per year and the production costs that do not participate in the IB program are Rp. 2,188,925.91 with an income of Rp. 7,085,185.01 per year. The income contribution from beef cattle businesses resulting from IB is 46.89% greater than those that do not participate in the IB program 32.69% and are business branches. There is a difference in income between beef cattle businesses that participate and those that do not participate in the AI program.