This is an electronic version of an article published in:Staffan Brege, Tomas Nord, Roland Sjöström and Lars Stehn, Value-added strategies and forward integration in the Swedish sawmill industry: positioning and profitability in the highvolume segment, 2010, SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, (25) primary sawmill production and forward integration into secondary production. It also aims to relate some basic conditions, such as company size, company growth and corporate strategy, to value added and forward integration to profitability. The results show strong positive and significant correlations between forward integration, value added in primary production (somewhat weaker) and unit revenue, and profitability measured as return on investment.There were no strong or significant correlations between size and profitability, playing down the importance of economies of scale (among these already large companies). An interesting result is the much higher profitability of the buying sawmill companies compared to the forest corporations, stressing the importance of both a long-term strategy when investing in value added activities and ultimately the priorities of ownership.