Summary subnormal basal and stimulated levels. Thus the ACTH test didThe inter-and intraindividual variations of response to an iv not diierentiate this state from ACTH deficiency.bolus of tetracosactide (0.25 mgl1.73 m2) were studied, and a definitive diagnostic 2-hr test was established. The test was Speculation given to 179 subjects: hypopituitary, prednisone-treated nephrotics, patients with the autoimmune polyendocrinopathyWhen the Witeria for a in the 2-hr iv ACTH candidinsis syndrome (APECS), and reference subjects. ~t was test have been carefully established, this test will serve as a repeated in 62 cases and the total of 84 test pairs was analyzed. definitive procedure for the diagnosis and follow-up of states me test was either at 8-9 AM or at 10-11 AM, 2 hr associated with ACTH deficiency, as well as in primary diseases after the injection of insulin for an insulin test. Thirty subjects of the adrenal cortex. Like the other ACTH tests, however, it had both the A~H test and the i n s u l i n -~~~H test. capillary will not diierentiate with certainty between primary and secondblood samples for fluorometric determination of plasma cortisol ary adrenOcOrtical were taken 1 , 2 , and 3 hr after the injection.The distributions of the basal and stimulated levels were positively skewed, and log transformation of the data gaveIn the diagnosis of adrenocortical failure, stimulation with a clearly more appropriate statistics. In most subjects the single dose of exogenous ACTH with determination of the level was highest 2 hr &ter the injection. There was no swifiresponse in plasma cortisol level has partly replaced longer tests. cant difference in the response to ACTH whether it was Bven The shortest test in wide use consists of an im or iv injection of alone or in the insulin-ACTH test. All the poststimulation the 1-24 peptide (20,24,38) and determination of plasma cortisol levels showed a positive interindividual correlation with cortisol before and 30 min after the injection (4, 11, 18, 37, 39, the basal levels, and all the increments a negative interindividual 41). However, this test is not accurate, and it is used mainly as correlation with the basal levels.a screening procedure, with variable criteria for a normal reIn repented tests, the intraindividunl variation in the responses sponse. In none of the 1 to 3-hr tests so far introduced have was &redly correlated with the level of the response, and this criteria for a normal response been adequately established on a correlation could be removed by dividing the intrapair difference theoretically sound basis (23, 3 1-33, 35, 42). We have made a in the values of the parameters by the sum of the values for careful evaluation of a 2-hr ACTH test, which we here propose percentage of intrapair difference (PIPD). m e SD of the for a definitive diagnostic procedure. A preliminary report has distribution of PIPDs was used for an index of precision. The 2-appeared (28). hr cortisol level was substantially more precise than either the basal level or the increment. In an...