“…Weiss, 1969;Theng, 1974Theng, , 1982Rupert et al, 1987;RausseII-Colom and Serratosa, 1987) and Table 11.6 provides a brief resume of so me of the studies of organic reactions catalyzed by clays. et al (1978) montmorillonitic soil day weaker catalysts Lahav et al (1978) Weakest catalyst is montmoril-Solomon and Rosser (1965) lonite Fusi et al" (1983) ;:- Discussions in Section 12.3, and 11.4.1 emphasize the important role of the exchangeable inorganic cations in the binding of organic moleeules at clay surfaces. However, the nature of the clay surface, as weIl as the inorganic cation is important for the transformations which take place.…”