Detonation nanodiamond (DND) was examined for its effect on soil Cs + removal by precipitation with Prussian Blue and its analogues. In a preliminary experiment using a synthetic sea-water sample added with 6.6 % of Cs + , it was found that addition of DND, CuCl 2 , and potassium ferrocyanide in this order to the solution removed Cs + with more than 99.9 % efficiency in the supernatant. Based on this finding, Cs + in soil slurry of Fukushima prefecture after the nuclear power plant accident, was treated in the same way as above, and the supernatant was measured for
137Cs γ-ray. The result showed that Cs + was removed to a non-detected level. Since the separation and settling of the precipitation is rapid and coagulation occurs effectively well, filtration is also rapid and can be easily compared to that of the conventional process. Such effect of DND can be due to adsorption of Cs-containing Prussian Blue onto the surface of DND, which finally accelerates precipitation of the Prussian Blue and soil slurry.