The apparatus determines from 10 to 600 grams/l. hydroxide and from 3 to 120 grams/l. alumina in Bayer Process streams. Essential components include a constant rate buret, a glass enclosed thermistor, and a specially designed operational amplifier circuit which by generating the first derivative' of the thermistor signal, detects the end point and stops the titration. The sample is diluted with sodium tartrate and titrated with 1 . 3 N HCI in a thermos jar. The first titration volume is equivalent to hydroxide; after the addition of potassium fluoride, the second titration volume is equivalent to alumina. The complete titration takes 4 minutes. Suspended solids do not interfere, neither do other constituents in Bayer liquors. The relative standard deviation is 0.32% for hydroxide at the 180 grams/l. level, and 0.17% for alumina at the 120 grams/l. level.Good analytical values for hydroxide and alumina are needed to efficiently operate the Bayer Process, in which hot sodium hydroxide is used to dissolve the alumina from bauxite to give a concentrated solution of alumina. Impurities such as iron oxide, titania, and sand are left behind as insolubles, commonly referred to as red mud. After filtering off the red mud, the dissolved alumina is recovered from the filtrate by allowing it to cool, and then seeding it with aluminum hydroxide. About one half of the alumina precipitates out by this procedure. The Bayer Process control strategy involves constant measurement of the concentrations of hydroxide, which in North America is traditionally ( I ) expressed as grams/l. NaZC03, and of alumina, which is expressed as grams/l. A1203. In some cases the ratio of the alumina to hydroxide concentrations is used for process control. This ratio is related to the degree of saturation of the solution; it has values of less than 0.5 for saturated solutions, and values up to 0.7 for supersaturated solutions, which are fed to the precipitators.Thermometric titrations have been used to determine caustic ( 2 ) and alumina (3) in 2-or 3-component solutions. These methods are not well suited for routine, process control analyses, since the titration must be continued beyond the equivalence point, and a strip chart recording of the titration curve must be inspected to locate the end point. Zenchelsky and Segatto ( 4 ) were the first to point out that thermometric titration curves can be differentiated. They demonstrated this by mechanical amplification of the bridge signal followed by differentiation of the amplified signal in a resistance-capacitance network. Later, a much simpler operational amplifier circuit ( 5 ) was used to generate the first and second derivatives 1 Present address, Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited, Kitimat, British Columbia, Canada.