Spontaneous degradation of bottlebrush macromolecules on aqueous substrates was monitored by atomic force microscopy. Scission of C─C covalent bonds in the brush backbone occurred due to steric repulsion between the adsorbed side chains, which generated bond tension on the order of several nano-Newtons. Unlike conventional chemical reactions, the rate of bond scission was shown to decrease with temperature. This apparent anti-Arrhenius behavior was caused by a decrease in the surface energy of the underlying substrate upon heating, which results in a corresponding decrease of bond tension in the adsorbed macromolecules. Even though the tension dropped minimally from 2.16 to 1.89 nN, this was sufficient to overpower the increase in the thermal energy (k B T ) in the Arrhenius equation. The rate constant of the bondscission reaction was measured as a function of temperature and surface energy. Fitting the experimental data by a perturbed Morse potential V ¼ V 0 ð1 − e −βx Þ 2 − fx, we determined the depth and width of the potential to be V 0 ¼ 141 AE 19 kJ∕mol and β −1 ¼ 0.18 AE 0.03 Å, respectively. Whereas the V 0 value is in reasonable agreement with the activation energy E a ¼ 80-220 kJ∕mol of mechanical and thermal degradation of organic polymers, it is significantly lower than the dissociation energy of a C─C bond D e ¼ 350 kJ∕mol. Moreover, the force constant K x ¼ 2β 2 V 0 ¼ 1.45 AE 0.36 kN∕m of a strained bottlebrush along its backbone is markedly larger than the force constant of a C─C bond K l ¼ 0.44 kN∕m, which is attributed to additional stiffness due to deformation of the side chains.mechanochemistry | molecular brushes | molecular imaging T he phenomenon of molecular "fatal adsorption," previously reported by us in 2006 (1), is a unique mechanochemical process attributed to spontaneous scission of covalent bonds in brush-like macromolecules upon their adsorption onto a substrate ( Fig. 1). This molecular self-destruction is caused by remarkably strong tension of the order of several nano-Newtons, which is developed in the polymer backbone due to steric repulsion between densely grafted side chains. The crowdedness of the side chains and, hence, the backbone tension are strongly enhanced upon spreading of the side chains on a high-energy substrate. The backbone tension increases with the grafting density, the length of the side chains, and the strength of their adhesion to the substrate (2).This unimolecular bond-scission process exhibits two distinct features. First, strong covalent bonds rupture spontaneously without applying any external force. Significant bond tension is generated within adsorbed macromolecules as they opt to rearrange their conformations in order to maximize the number of contacts between the side chains and the substrate (1,2). Second, the rate constant of the bond-scission reaction exhibits extraordinary sensitivity to minute variations of the surface energy (γ) of the underlying substrate (3). The rate constant can change by two orders of magnitude with only a 3% change in γ....