A kinetic model describing
crystal growth from aqueous solution
in the presence of structured impurities is developed on a generalization
in the spirit of the Davey and Mullin model. The proposed theoretical
framework combines (i) an analytical expression for the step velocity,
where this quantity decreases linearly with increasing surface coverage
(θeq) by impurities adsorbed on the growing crystal,
and (ii) a new adsorption isotherm equation θeq(C
I) (C
I is the concentration
of impurities) in which the adsorbate can occupy more than one adsorption
site (structured impurity). The formalism leads to the exact adsorption
isotherm of linear rods in one dimension and provides a close approximation
for two-dimensional systems accounting for multisite occupancy. Moreover,
the model is capable of predicting the effect of size/shape of the
impurities from parameters having a precise physical meaning. These
parameters can be obtained from thermodynamic experiments and are
related directly to the spatial configuration of the impurity molecules
in the adsorbed state. The theoretical results are contrasted with
Monte Carlo simulations and experimental data of the relative growth
rates of the {100} faces of KBr crystals in the presence of impurity
molecules (linear aliphatic carboxylic acids) of different sizes.
A good agreement between theory, simulations, and experiments is found.