Ultra-violet photocatalytic oxidation has been regarded as one of the promising air purification technologies for improving indoor air quality. However, limited availability of experimental data in terms of photocatalyst deactivation and regeneration has hindered successful implementation of ultra-violet photocatalytic oxidation air cleaners in mechanical ventilation systems. The objective of this study is to obtain knowledge of the ultraviolet C-induced regeneration method, the simplest on-site approach, for the recovery of photocatalytic activity of photocatalytic oxidation filters after challenging ultra-violet photocatalytic oxidation systems with approximately 100 ppb of acetone or methyl ethyl ketone. Experimental observations of photocatalyst deactivation, and characterization of fresh and deactivated photocatalyst with the scanning electron microscope technique were presented. During the regeneration process, the production rates of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone were hourly quantified under a short-term and a long-term ultraviolet C illumination. The regeneration performance was also examined and compared by testing the singlepass removal efficiency of regenerated photocatalytic oxidation filters by two methods: ultraviolet C illumination and O 3 -included ultraviolet C illumination. The results indicate that the ultraviolet C-induced regeneration method, superior to O 3 -assisted ultraviolet C method, plays a certain role in partial recovery of the photocatalytic activity. The degree of recovery would depend on the nature of contaminant gases previously processed in ultra-violet photocatalytic oxidation since different VOCs generate various types and amounts of surface adsorbed by-products, which resist regeneration at a different level.Graphical Abstract. UV-PCO represents a new generation technology for improving indoor air quality. However, little is known about photocatalyst deactivation and regeneration which is a major concern for the purpose of commercialization. The current objective is to explore the UVC-induced regeneration method, the simplest on-site approach, employed in an HVAC system. This work demonstrates a systematic evaluation of deactivation and UV-induced regeneration performance under the conditions relevant to the actual applications for two VOCs. In addition, the gaseous by-product generation rates and O3-assited UVC-induced recovery method were examined for the first time.