9915sites of the Ti02 matrix via the cationic vacancies which are always present inside rutile-type compounds. Both processes formally yield to a final VxTi,,,,02 rutile solid solution.In this paper, the resulting drastic modifications observed by ESR have been analyzed and correlated with these two distinct diffusional mechanisms, ESR thus appears to be a convenient and very sensitive tool to study the diffusion processes which take place in mixed oxide catalysts.The same procedure should be extended to various paramagnetic ions (molybdenum Mov for instance) to allow a more complete discussion to be made taking into account the size and the charge of the diffusing probe. Moreover, it should be interesting to study, via the superhyperfine couplings, the diffusion mechanisms occurring inside supports containing magnetically active species, like tin nuclei (I = in Sn02 for instance. These studies have been performed and will be reported elsewhere.Two systems, representing monolayers of n-hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride at the akwater interface, but with different periodic units, are investigated by equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. Model potentials from the literature, augmented by tMls from ab initio ~alculations for the head group, are used. No constraints are applied to the interfacbfonning molecules.The system remains stable for the entire duration of the simulation of several hundred picoseconds. The structure of the interface is analyzed in terms of various distance and angle distribution functions and compared to experimental data from X-ray and neutron studies. The distribution of the head groups is in very good agreement with these experimental findings.