“…Mental disorders, non-c omplianc e with the GFD, ac tive medic al c o-morbidities, and dissatisfac tion with doc tor/patient c ommunic ation were assoc iated with reduc ed CD Questionnaire sc ores [77] . Up to 10% of patients with CD have neurologic al symptoms ranging from polyneuropathy, epilepsy, myoclonus, multifocal leukoencephalopathy, dementia, chorea, migraine, memory/attention impairment and peripheral axonal and demyelinating neuropathies as well as ac etylc holine-antibody positive myasthenia gravis [78] . Autoimmunity may ac t as a mec hanism triggering neurologic al dysfunc tion [79] , and anti-neuronal, anti-gliadin and tTG antibodies may c ontribute to neurologic al impairment through Apaf-1 ac tivation with Bax and c ytoc hrome C transloc ation, leading to impairment of mitoc hondrialdependent apoptosis.…”