"This one is stronger." Spotlights on the lifelong learning professional-in-actionAround the world, lifelong learning is being promoted as a strategy for coping with the changing realities of life and work. The fourth Sustainable Development Goal, agreed in September 2015, reflects this: "ensure equitable and inclusive quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all". Despite its importance, doubts remain about the implementation of this goal in practice (Regmi, 2015;Van der Kamp, 2000). This article looks at the practice of lifelong learning from the point of view of the professionals involved, their actions and the way these actions are challenged, supported and further developed. Following Schön's "reflection-in-action" (1983), the term "professional-in-action" is used to stress the role of the professional in making the difference on the ground. The leading question is: how can lifelong learning professionals be supported in their contribution to the surrounding society