Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus), an endemic species to the Columbia River Basin, U.S.A, has experienced staggering decreases in returns to spawning territories in recent decades. As lamprey are threatened severely by a lack of passage at mainstem dams, lamprey specific passage structures have been designed and constructed to address the problem. The Cascades Island Lamprey Passage Structure (LPS) at Bonneville Dam is the longest and steepest structure of its type, following the addition of an exit pipe which allows lampreys to travel from the tailrace of the dam to the forebay. The intent of this study was to assess lamprey use of the structure and whether the structure hinders lamprey migration to subsequent dams. The study was carried out during the 2013 migration season. The study used three different treatment groups of lampreys released on five dates spanning the migration season (n=75 lamprey). Two of these groups (n=50), with different tagging methods, were released directly into the LPS to assess passage success, travel time, and tagging effect. The third group (n=25) was released into the forebay to test whether the structure impedes migration upstream. Fish were monitored via receiver arrays on the LPS and at dams on the river system. Overall passage efficiency was 74% (37 of 50 used the CI LPS successfully). Mean travel time to navigate the structure was 12 h. Fish size had no significant effect on travel time in the LPS. Water temperature had a significant effect on travel time in the LPS. There was no statistically significant effect of tagging on passage efficiency or travel time. The groups that used the LPS performed slightly better migrating upstream to the next dam than the group that bypassed the structure, but the difference was not I would like to thank the following: Bonneville Power Administration for providing support throughout the process and allowing me the time I need to complete my program. The Army Corps of Engineers for badging, visits, technical questions, and direction at the Bonneville Dam project. The University of Idaho for providing animal handling and care permits, lamprey permits for scientific use, allowing me to use tags and equipment and lending a hand when needed at the dam. Portland State University's Department of Environmental Science and Management for guiding me along the way, providing an encouraging learning environment, specifically, Gene Foster and Yangdong Pan for their valuable time and assistance, Sherie Huffman for her amazing work in managing the department office, and my peers who many I have gone through this process with. NOAA Fisheries, specifically Kinsey Frick for data mining and instruction, Steve Corbett for all his time in the field spent tagging, downloading data, releasing fish, and providing assistance whenever needed, and Mary Moser for her willingness to include me on such an interesting and novel project, taking the time to take me on as a student thesis project in general, and the unmatched direction and knowledge provided, this pr...