The process of making medical decisions used to be straightforward. Clinicians selected the treatment course they determined would best promote the patient's interests. More recently, in response to increased emphasis on individual autonomy, it is the patient, in consultation with their clinicians and loved ones, who makes medical decisions. This approach respects patients who are able to make their own treatment decisions. However, it poses a challenge for the many adult patients who are unable to understand the information relevant to the decision in question, reason in light of this information and their own values, make a voluntary decision on this basis, or communicate their decision.To respect these patients who lack decisionmaking capacity, current practice directs patientdesignated and next-of-kin surrogates to make medical decisions based on the patient's documented preferences (eg, as described in an advance directive). 1 When a patient does not document their preferences, surrogates are instructed to use substituted judgment, trying to make the decision the patient would have made for themselves. When this is unclear, surrogates attempt to promote the patient's best interests. 1 Current implementation of this approach is subject to several important shortcomings. 2 First, many patients do not complete an advance directive or otherwise document their preferences prospectively. 3