Abstract. This paper details the design, development, and evaluation of a 3D-printed rechargeable Ag–AgCl electrode to measure self-potential (SP) in laboratory experiments. The challenge was to make a small, cheap, robust, and stable electrode that could be used in a wide range of applications. The new electrodes are shown to offer comparable performance to custom-machined laboratory standards, and the inclusion of 3D printing (fused filament fabrication or FFF and stereolithography or SLA) makes them more versatile and significantly less expensive – of the order of ×40 to ×75 cost reduction – to construct than laboratory standards. The devices are demonstrated in both low-pressure experiments using bead packs and high-pressure experiments using natural rock samples. Designs are included for both male and female connections to laboratory equipment. We report design drawings, practical advice for electrode printing and assembly, and printable 3D design files to facilitate wide uptake.