This chapter examines the significance of digital infrastructure (DI) to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in G20 countries during 2010 – 2022. It develops a set of simultaneous models to assess the causal association of SDGs and its other drivers with DI. SDGI is the inclusion of its three main supportive drivers. It also detects the causal interlinkages of SDGI and its other supportive components with DI. There is also noted a diversity in a group of specific countries in DI and SDGs. Most European Union (EU) countries could achieve better positions in SDGs and DI. Hence, high diversity in SDGs and DI is creating obstacles to achieve SDGs in low-ranking countries. Moreover, SDGs and their other drivers (except environmental sustainability) have positive and significant interlinkages with DI. It also provides numerous policy suggestions to achieve SDGs in G20 countries and scope of further research.