Abstract. A set of Ohmic density ramp experiments addressing the role of parallel connection length in modifying Scrape Off Layer (SOL) properties has been performed on the TCV tokamak. The parallel connection length has been modified by varying the poloidal flux expansion f x . It will be shown that this modification does not influence neither the detachment density threshold, nor the development of a flat Scrape Off Layer (SOL) density profile which instead depends strongly on the increase of the core line average density. The modification of the SOL upstream profile, with the appearance of what is generally called a density shoulder, has been related to the properties of filamentary blobs. Blob size increases with density, without any dependence pn the parallel connection length both in the near and far SOL. The increase of the density decay length, corresponding to a profile flattening, has been related to the variation of the divertor normalized collisionality Λ div [1,2], showing that in TCV the increase of Λ div is not sufficient to guarantee the SOL upstream profile flattening.