The total number of solar power-producing facilities whose Feed-in Tariff (FIT) Program-based ten-year contracts will expire by 2023 is expected to reach approximately 1.65 million in Japan. If the facilities that produce or consume renewable energy would increase to reach a large number, e.g., two million, blockchain would not be capable of processing all the transactions. In this work, we propose a blockchainbased electricity-tracking platform for renewable energy, called 'ZGridBC,' which consists of mutually cooperative two novel decentralized schemes to solve scalability, storage cost, and privacy issues at the same time. One is the electricity production resource management, which is an efficient data management scheme that manages electricity production resources (EPRs) on the blockchain by using UTXO tokens extended to two-dimension (period and electricity amount) to prevent double-spending. The other is the electricity-tracking proof, which is a massive data aggregation scheme that significantly reduces the amount of data managed on the blockchain by using zero-knowledge proof (ZKP). Thereafter, we illustrate the architecture of ZGridBC, consider its scalability, security, and privacy, and illustrate the implementation of ZGridBC. Finally, we evaluate the scalability of ZGridBC, which handles two million electricity facilities with far less cost per environmental value compared with the price of the environmental value proposed by METI (= 0.3 yen/kWh).