Midwifery is undergoing increasing complexity attributed to global epidemiological, socio-economic and technological shifts. Coupled with a shortage of workforce and the imperative for cost-effectiveness and high-quality care, there is an ongoing international discourse and establishment of new care models and specialized roles, notably Advanced Midwifery Practice (AMP). While countries like the UK and Ireland have embraced AMP roles, Switzerland lags behind with only a few pioneering roles. The absence of regulatory frameworks for AMP within the Swiss legal and healthcare system, hinders the evolution of APM roles necessary to address contemporary needs in perinatal healthcare provision. To effectively harness the midwifery workforce and mitigate premature attrition, Switzerland must formulate distinct career trajectories for postgraduate midwives, particularly for Advanced Practice Midwives (APM). This involves establishing legal standards for educational and clinical prerequisites, delineating guidelines for APM responsibilities and competencies, and devising compensation schemes that mirror the autonomy and leadership competencies integral to these advanced roles within inpatient and outpatient perinatal care models. The incorporation of evaluation and research into AMP is indispensable, contributing to improved patient outcomes and the ongoing professionalization of midwifery. In conjunction with the Swiss Federation of Midwives, all Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland have collaboratively drafted a national position paper underscoring the significance of developing APM roles to ensure the provision of high-quality perinatal care. This article aims to elucidate current developments in perinatal care within the Swiss context, providing a comprehensive definition for AMP, delineating its contribution to enhancing and sustaining the quality of care.