bio lo{kim te~nostima (serum, urin, cerebrospinalna te~nost). Zasniva se na principima zonske elektroforeze. Na elektroforetogramima se vizuelno mo`e utvrditi prisustvo kvalitativno ili kvantitativno abnormalnih proteinskih nizova. Tehnika se koristi za elektroforezu seruma, urina, proteina u cerebrospinalnoj te~nosti, enzima (ALP, LDH i CK), lipo proteina i hemoglobina. Elektroforeza proteina u serumu (SPE) vrlo ~esto se kao analiti~ka metoda prime njuje u klini~koj hemiji. Promene u relativnoj koncentraciji frakcija omogu}avaju lako prepoznavanje patolo{kih pore me}aja povezanih s nefrotskim sindromom, inflamatornom reakcijom i oboljenjima jetre. SPE predstavlja skrining test za otkrivanje M komponente (MC). Imunofiksacija uz upo trebu specifi~nih antiseruma omogu}ava detekciju tipa MC. SPE je i metod za kvantifikaciju MC i pra}enje toka bolesti {to je neophodno za klini~ku evaluaciju i pra}enje pacijenata sa plazma-}elijskim bolestima.Klju~ne re~i: elektroforeza na agaroznom gelu, elektroforeza proteina u serumu, imunofiksacija, M komponenta Summary: Agarose gel electrophoresis is a well established technique routinely used in clinical laboratories for screening protein abnormalities in various biological fluids (serum, urine, CSF). It is based on the principles of zone electrophoresis. Electrophoretograms are evaluated visually for the presence of quantitatively or qualitatively abnormal protein bands. The technique is used for electrophoresis of serum, urine, CSF proteins, enzymes (ALP, LDH and CK), lipoproteins and hemoglobin. Serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) is a very commonly used analytical method in clinical chemistry. Changes in the relative concentration of fractions allow easy recognition of pathological disorders associated with nephrotic syndrome, inflammatory reaction and hepatic diseases. SPE is a screening test for detecting the M component (MC). Immunofixation (IFE) with use of specific antisera allows detection of the type of MC. SPE is also a method for the quantification of MC and monitoring of disease that is essential for clinical evaluation and follow-up of patients with plasma cell disorders.