Boundary layer transition estimation and modelling is essential for the design of many engineering products across many industries. In this paper, the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes are solved in conjunction with three additional transport equations to model and predict boundary layer transition. The transition model (referred to as the k T − k L − ω model) is based on the k − ω framework with an additional transport equation to incorporate the effects low-frequency flow oscillations in the form of a laminar kinetic energy (k L ). Firstly, a number of rectifications are made to the original k T −k L −ω framework in order to ensure an appropriate response to the free-stream turbulence level and to improve near wall predictions. Additionally, the model is extended to incorporate the capability to model transition due to surface irregularities in the form of backward-facing steps with maximum non-dimensional step sizes of approximately 1.5 times the local displacement thickness of the boundary layer where the irregularity is located (i.e k/δ * 1.5) at upstream turbulence intensities in the range 0.01 < T u(%) < 0.8. A novel function is proposed to incorporate transition sensitivity due to aft-facing steps. This paper details the rationale behind the development of this new function and demonstrates its suitability for transition onset estimation on a flat plate at zero pressure gradient.