Little is known of helminth parasites in Micronesia in archaeological contexts. This study presents a parasitological analysis of soil and sediment samples from Ebon Atoll in the Marshall Islands, eastern Micronesia. Microscopic eggs of the dog (Canis lupus familiaris) nematode Toxocara canis, which could have adversely affected the health of local people as well as their dogs, were found at two sites, in one example in habitation layers dated to 1830–1625 calBP (95% CI), extending the date for the known presence of dogs in the Marshall Islands by at least 600 years. This study represents the first confirmed evidence of pre‐European helminth parasites in Micronesia. As similar Melanesian and Polynesian studies have previously been reported, the study also completes the initial, pre‐contact helminth record for the three main island regions of Oceania.