“…In additio n to m eas urements of ice thickness a nd layers, other features a nd char acteri stics obser ved include region s of bottom m elting a nd freez ing (Neal, 1979), ice-bottom sliding velocit y (D oa ke, 1975), glacier velocity (Doake a nd others, 1976), sub -i ce la kes form ed by pressure m elting (O swald, 1975), a nd bottom creyasses Oezek a nd oth ers, 1979). Informatio n o n oth er ice para meters, including sign a l abso rpti on (Nea l, 1976), sig na l fading p atterns (H arriso n, 1971;Berry, 1975), p rop agati on veloc it y (R obin, 1975 b ) a nd birefringen ce (Bentley, 1975;H arg reaves, 1977;\ VoodrufT and D oake, 1979), h a\'C been obta ined from RES d ata.…”